Monday, 30 January 2012

Empire Halberds: Citadel and Artizan

Good day one and all; For your viewing and my playing pleasure (and also because I have entered a proper tournament) I am currently painting up a whole load of Empire Halberds.

I have always loved the mid nineties style of empire state troups with their ridiculous bows and overlarge silk shirts. Following advice I have opted to buy in some Artizan figures and have equipped them with Halberds.

If you like what you see, then please tell your friends (or press the Google+ button)

If you hate them, have ideas on how I could improve or what to paint next, leave a message below. It only takes a minute and I really appreciate it...

The chap on the right in the photo above is Citadel 1996, whilst the other two are armoured artizan Landskneht. As you can see there is a slight height difference, but on mass this is easily lost. Also it might be worth pointing out that not everyone is the same height; just look around you at work or school tomorrow...
All my Empire are painted in Nordland state colours. It is how I started the army, and I am getting far too many figures to change now. Once again, in the picture above we have two Artizan and one citadel, see if you can work out which is which. I found the pipe in the musicians hand very fragile and in the end I had to replace this after painting. I would recommend that you just bow to the inevitable and replace it at the start.

Slightly blurred picture here, but we have another three Artizan halberds. I like the models and I think they fit pretty well with the overall look of my army...

Finally some rear views...


  1. They look excellent, nice clean colours. And I agree that the older figures look better than the newer state troops with their puffy sleeves and ruffled legs.

  2. Vilhelm Andersson31 January 2012 at 20:58

    Fantastic composition, and great use of vintage models. Been following your blog for a while now and it's always fun to see your progress, a true inspiration to a fellow Empire and Vampire Counts player! Keep up the good work :) Greetings from Sweden. /V

  3. Thanks gents, it is always great to get feedback, good or bad...

  4. Interesting mix of old Citadel and Artizan figures, the paint job certainly brings them together well and all very well painted. A minor criticism is the fock on the basing being a bit 'bushy' but a minor gripe. Overall outstanding.

  5. Good point and noted Hendrid. When I look again at the photos they look pretty poor. Will work on it...



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