As sure as throwing a rock into a lake causes a splash, surfing in such a way had its obvious effect and I found myself on Heresys' website looking at their Scifi range, and then three days later a small box of figures arrived through my letter box. I have no use for them it gets in the way of all my other painting projects but I could not resist the chance to throw some paint at their "Nerdlord" range.
First up I have to say WOW, I have never before ordered goods and have them arrive so soon, and complete with a giveaway sweet, what more could anyone ask? I ordered nerdlord I, Nerdlord II, Emily Lake, the D06 robot drone basic unit together with its security upgrade (necessary for the dog shaped head).
The models are well moulded with a medium hard metal and relatively small amounts of mould lines. It was necessary to file these down, but generally they were in places were you do not loose too much detail. The "D06" figure had the most amount to remove, but this was very easy. I elected to use the D06 head and place the security panel on top of the unit. This requires a little more filing to get a nice flat fit and I nearly lost it a few times because it is so small! I drilled a small hole through the antennae looking option and pined this to the back of the unit.

I then needed to base the figures. In my rush I went for something that was very easy which was just some platicard embossed with a tread pattern. Not difficult and maybe not the most fitting base, but I wanted to get on with painting as fast as I could. I painted this a blue colour because that appears to match the colour used throughout most of the iconography.
The figures paint up really easily and I managed to get these all done in just two painting days, this is something of a record for me. I guess once you start painting something that is fun, its very easy.
I hope you enjoy the figures, I just need to work out what I am going to do with them!
So far I have resisted the temptation to paint the eyes, I was worried that it might just make them look a bit cartoony. Let me know what you think...