Thursday, 31 March 2011

Dystopian Wars: A Fleet of FSA Augusta class frigates

Just about a month ago I brought a Naval battle group for the federated staes of America navey for the Dystopian wars game.

This week I have completed the 9 Augusta class frigates and these mark the completion of the battle group...

The bases were made from plastic card and the waves from pva glue.

Over the last month I have shared my thoughts on;

I have also brought and painted an FSA Aircraft carrier but I still have to complete the six flyer tokens, then I will take a family picture..

I hope you enjoy looking at these little boats as much as I enjoyed painting them..

Sunday, 27 March 2011

Dystopian Wars: FSA Saratoga class carrier

OK, last week I rushed out and brought myself the Saratoga class aircraft carrier for the Federated States of America fleet for Dystopian wars is a made rush of enthusiasm for the game and its models...

Today I bring you good news on two counts....

1) My bank manager can breath a sigh of relief because I have resisted the urge to buy any more.
2) I have finished painting this one (well, if you don't count the plane tokens).

and once again showing the wake effect I have tried to create at the rear of the ship..

The upper deck of the carrier comes as a seperate piece and is weighty enough that you can avoid gluing and still be confident that it won't fly off whilst gaming. Unless you shake your figures like maracas wjilst playing that is.

The advantage of not gluing is that you can show off the details of the lower deck..

I choose to have a go at cutting out the resign between the girders on the upper deck to held pass more light through to the lower deck.. Whilst this was easy to do because the resin is quite soft, the piece is so thick that it has almost no effect and I don't suppose anyone will ever notice. Still, I know I did it...

Hope you enjoy the pictures. Just the remainder of the frigates and a few flyer tokens to go and I have an entire set..

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Dystopian wars: Fleet not finished and already I'm buying more..

The normal pattern is repeating itself. I buy a game system / army / faction ...whatever and I find myself enjoying painting the figures so very much that before I've even finished painting basic force I'm off to the web or local store adding to the figures to the point where I end up with more figures than I could or would ever want to paint.

This last couple of weeks I've been busy assembling and painting a Federated states of America fleet for Dystopian wars (by spartan games). I've only played about two turns so far (fitted in at the end of games evenings, after other games have finished) and already I've become tempted by the FSA aircraft carrier..

So before I know it, off to the shop and when my guilt subsides long enough to realise what I've done, I look down and there are the contents on the box before me....

One Saratoga class carrier..

an second flight deck

and six plane tokens..

best get my paints out...

Monday, 21 March 2011

Dystopian Wars: FSA Independence class battleship and a little sea colouring

I've recently been working on my Federated states of America fleet for Dystopian wars, a Victorian steam punk type naval, land and air combat game.

This week I've had a chance to have a go at the battleship of the fleet and what a big boy it is...

I have painted the ship in the same colours as the rest of the fleet and they are all starting to come together now.

The ship comes complete with a choice of three model options a shield, a Kinetic generator (go faster button) or rockets.

These are quite weighty bits of resin, so I have decided not to magnetise these in place. When added to the ship these look pretty fun...

with shield...

with Kinetic generator..

or with rockets...

I have been asked by a friend how I painted the sea. I went for quite a green look and combined citadel paints Regal blue, Knarloc green & fortress grey in combinations of 1:1:0, 2:2:1, 1:1:1 & dot:dot;1 as shown below..

I then added water foam in fortress grey..

Hope you like.

Friday, 18 March 2011

Dystopian Wars: FSA A-17 Class Bomber

Recently I have been working through my Dystopian wars Federated states of America fleet. So its time to move back to working on the aircraft...

The FSA Navel battle group included two A-17 class Bombers and I threw a bit of paint at them...

The planes come as three separate pieces. The square plastic base needed a little light filing to enable the rod to fit. I chose to superglue these two elements together.

I then elected to attach a small magnet onto the top of the rod and to the underside of the planes. Not only does this allow me to remove the plane for safe packing, it will also allow me to add a cloud for when it goes obscured. I have not made the cloud..

I kept with the general green colour of the rest of the fleet, but choose to copy the colour of the pipes from a model on the spartan games forum by "legalgun"... 

I think this looks pretty good, but leads to the question of what happens at the back of the plane.

I choose to try an represent a kind of jet flame look. The idea is propellers for slow, jet for fast.

The rest is fairly conventional, but I may add some decals if I find any suitable ones...

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Dystopian Wars: FSA lexington cruiser WIP

A little over a week ago I brought the Federated States of America Navel Battle group box set from Spartan games Dystopian Wars game system. I have been having such fun painting them up, that I thought I would share how I had gone about giving them the look I opted for..

For this I have chosen to attack three Lexington class cruisers. You get three in the box set and they have detachable front turrets and a choice of central configuration of Kinetic Generator (top), rockets (next) or shield generators. You get enough components for all to be put forward with any combination. They are heavy enough that you do not need to glue these in...

So to crack on...

First step was to glue the ships onto a bit of spare plastic card I had spare. I scrapped the edges to give them a slightly bevelled edge. I then painted the deck planking with graveyard earth.

and highlighted them with Kommando Kharki.
the main elements of the cruisers are painted in Gretchin Green
and the metal work in Boltgun metal or tin bitz as appropriate.

I then gave everything a healthy wash with Devlan Mud.
once this had dried,  I built up the green areas with layers through Gretchin green to Fortress grey.

the bronze areas were then highlighted with dwarf bronze before washing these with Baal red. The silver areas were lightly touched up with Mithril silver.
 I then coloured in the doors and windows.
and added pva to the bases to represent the sea.

The extra components were then painted in a similar way..

Hope you enjoyed..

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Dystopian wars: FSA Frigate colour trial

A week ago I brought the Dystopian wars Federated States of America (FSA) Navel battle group box set. Only a week in and I have already finished the tiny plane tiles and so it was time to start with the paddle ships.

I thought I would start with the frigates because these were the smallest and therefore the best to see what the colour scheme would look like.

The original plan was to go for a blue-grey - yellow combination to represent to southern states. However when it can to put brush to model I forgot all about this and went straight for a green-grey look like the colour scheme represented on the box lid.

I elected to mount the ships on card for two main reasons:
1) I had some spare plastic-card
2) I thought it would protect the paint on the ship, when I pick it up with greasy fingers.

I cut the card 5mm wider than the ship on each side of the model. The sea is represented by putting on a little PVA glue which was then brushed off to leave stripes. You can see the wet state above. This was not massively successful, but it is very quick.

I will run through a quick WIP on the next lot of ships I paint.

All considered, I am very happy with the look of the ship and I look forward to painting the rest of the fleet.