Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Chaos tzeentch warshrine WIP

I am not too keen on the new GW Chaos war-shrine figure, but I quite wanted to add a war-shrine to my Troll army.

My thought process started with a plastic earring which I picked up from a £1 shop. I thought this would make a good pattern for a war-shrine base.

After a bit of thinking and a couple of false starts I decided to make the shrine out of cork board. I used two cork tiles glued together. I recon I can make this look like a rough cut stone. I used the parts from the earring to provide a pattern to the base. 

I then needed something to pull the shrine. I decided to use some empire fanatic figures. I added marauder heads and arms. Now I want to make the shrine appear to float. Sky-hooks anyone?

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