Sunday, 24 February 2013

Avatar of War: Painted Dwarf Ironshield

Last year, I supported a Indiegogo (a kickstarter type) venture to to support figure manufacturer Avatar of War in their venture to extend their excellent Dwarf range. 
Avatars of war have been a little slow in developing their figures following the success of the campaign, but before Christmas I received my first figures. A set of 21 Ironshields.

At long last I have assembled and painted my first five of these figures. The design of the figures is excellent and they make some super looking Dwarfs. The Dwarfs are quite tall and this is accentuated by me putting them onto rocks, but I like the design. There is a slightly restricted range of tops and bottoms, but I think you should be able to create a good looking unit.


So the design is excellent, but the casting is less so. The material that they have used is a resin - plastic blend and it has a strange grainy feel to it. However, once you undercoat the figures you soon forget this.
I found that the casting was quite thin in places; especially on the shields and that some had holes all the way through. I also experienced some significant problems with the weapons. The casting material is quite brittle and with rough handling from my fat fingers; I managed to break off a few of the weapons from the shaft. Easy to fix with a bit of a pin, but not a good sign for the longevity of the pieces..
However, once painted, they look pretty cool (IMHO)...
See if you can spot which dwarf has his legs on back to front....

1 comment:

  1. Nice looking figures, like the blendy, painting style.

    Btw, second photo, guy on the right?
