Thursday, 29 November 2012

New Dwarfs: Avatar of War: out the box

Back in June Avatars of war participated in a Indiegogo campaign to support the development of an extension to their range of Dwarf figures. This is a site which is very much in the "Kickstarter" style.

The idea is that you commit to buying some of the new figures from them and if they get enough money committed then they can afford to produce the figures. If they don't hit the target then you don't get charged. Their target was met and they have started to manufacture and post out some of the models.

I ordered the following selection:
40 Ironshields
20 Thunder Warriors or 20 Crossbowmen (whichever is finished first)
20 Doomcrushers
1 Rune master
1 Ltd Edition standard bearer
1 Dwarf Lord with great weapon
1 Dwarf King.

Today I received the first selection of figures.
 21 Ironshields
All of these are plastic with torso and legs separate,but delivered on a single sprue piece.
The first up are a command group with musician, standard bearer and champion. All except the musician could easily be assembled as troops.

Next up come the core troops. There are 9 different torsos.Two models are provided of each. If you click on the picture you will get a much better impression of the detail on each figure.It is clear and well sculpted, so should be very easy to paint. One weapon had separated in the pack, but this will fix very easily.

Four shields arms are provided..
 Together with a fine selection of hand weapons..
 And a standard. It appears that AoW quite like this standard. I am not clear if they intend to use it in all their packs. Either way, it will be very easy to replace.

Dwarf Noble
This is a very nice metal figure which comes as a single piece. Crisp modelling with no flash. Very nice..

Dwarf Rune Master.

This chap is harder to judge. He is split into 4 key parts with cape, beard and staff all individually supplied. Nice casting and crisp features. Should be nice to paint, but will look better with paint on him.

All in all a mighty fine selection. I will need to work out how I want to base these and then find a little time to paint. Should be fun...


  1. That lot look pretty good. I'll be interested to see them put together and painted.

  2. mh. looks nice... i guess it is possible to swap torsi and legs between the different dwarfs to get a greater variability? would be nice if you could confirm this...

  3. It certainly is possible. I guess I had better paint some soon...

  4. Their quality is really bad I'm afraid. A very bad slide for what looked like a promising company to follow. Really dissapointed, as are all the people I know.
