Sunday, 10 June 2012

A little more fantasy scenery

If your club is anything like mine,then it will have an insatiable appetite for scenery. We recently provided the tables and scenery for a tournament at Legionary 2012, and were able to field 12 fantasy and 5 40k tables with no problem what-so ever; however when I ask what the club members want to spend the club monies on, the answer is always more scenery please.

In a vain attempt to sate this desire, I have plonked together two more fantasy pieces. A magic circle and an arcane ruins. The scenery is all GW and comes from their Arcane ruins set.  

The scenery needed a little help from my greenstuff to help hide some of the joins. I also made a simple hexagon for the centre of the magic circle by scribing into a piece of plastic card. I think every magic circle needs a focal point, don't you?

I painted in a fairly standard grey build up, with a few washes for effect. All in all a nice simple and quick construction.

Back soon,have fun!

1 comment:

  1. I like the stone circle. Going to have to steal that one for myself.
