Saturday, 26 May 2012

Empire war machine crew

In recent weeks I have based two cannons and a Helblaster volley gun, so I guess it is now time to give them some nice new crew.

I have added one crew member to the base of each war machine. This is because the crew figures are really only there to indicate how many casualties remain. If you loose the last figure the machine dies too. For this reason,I only need an extra two figures per war machine.

I love the older style metal figures and have been fortunate enough to be able to lay my hands on a few. They had quite a thick layer of paint on them so I had to do a certain amount of work on them. After soaking in brake fluid and scrubbing they were starting to look a little cleaner....
I have painted all my chaps in the colour scheme of my Nordland army. This is a blue and cream combination.. The advantage of these figures is that you can go to town a bit with the colouring of the fabric to maximise the blue cream contrast.

I hope you enjoy....

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