Sunday, 8 April 2012

Demigryph; off the workbench and onto the painting table

Yesterday I had managed to assemble the Demigryph miniatures and had flocked the bases.

The weather was kind and I was able to undercoat the figures and place some basic colours down. The Demigryphs still need a lighter highlight and everything else needs painting properly but at least I have made a start.
I am maintaining the Nordland theme with these guys so the barding will be painted a combination of blue and cream. The Gryphs have been built from Charadon Granite to Graveyard Earth to Bleached bone and then washed with various brown - red washes.

 I was able to make more progress with the bases, which are effectively finished.
Which is more than be said for the knights, who have had almost no work...

More progress shots as progress is made.....

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