Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Polish sausage munching Halberds

Spent the weekend at Maelstrom games playing in the "Polish sausage" tournament. This is a four player team event for Warhammer. I was fortunate enough to be joined by Richard Deane from my local clubs, David Maughan and Jake Corteen. They were all wonderful people and just at good at playing, which was just as well, because I dragged the whole team down with five weak results. Had great fun at a well organized event and was lucky enough to be given the prize for best painted army.

The army is fully painted now and I will be posting pictures soon of the pieces I finished in the last few days before the event. In the meantime I have promised pictures of completed units of the halberds and the greatswords....

This unit is a broad mix of games workshop and Artizan figures. As is the second..

I have also added a small number of greatswords to an existing unit and these are shown below..
In my normal style, here is a picture from the rear.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Final batch of Nordland Halberds

For the last few weeks I have been putting together two units of 30 Halberds. At long last the last of these boys is complete. I have been using a combination of Artizan Landsknecht and mid ninties citadel miniatures.

When I get five minutes I will take a few pictures of the figures on their movement trays, however in the meantime you will just have to make do with the miniatures in isolation.

My entire empire army is painted in Norland colours and these are no exception. Three of these boys are from Artizan, whilst the Musician is an old citadel figure. the left hand halberd comes from Foundary whilst the other two used the Artizan figures come from the assault group.

  The last three in the collection are all from Artizan.

In the normal style, here are the same figures, but from the back.....


Monday, 20 February 2012

Empire Halberds a penultimate post

A short while ago I started painting up around 50 odd empire halberds. I now have another ten painted, which leaves just another ten to paint. Thank god, It is getting pretty dull painting loads of similar figures.

 The current project is all about getting a list completed in readiness for a four player team event this weekend. So I am painting every hour I have. Can't beat a deadline for getting figures painted.

Hopefully I am maintaining an appropriate painting standard, if not it is too late now.

Hope you enjoy....

Friday, 17 February 2012

Nordland Greatswords: 8th edition demands 10 more

My 7th edition Warhammer fantasy Empire army was "happy as Larry" with a unit of 20 greatswords. Now, in 8th edition, it appears that no-one goes out with less than 30 in any kind of unit. Desperate to fit in; it appears that I needed to paint another 10 greatswords. When I first brought the lads I had the foresight to buy around 40 of the chaps, unfortunately I raised a little money a few years ago and sold the unpainted ones. This meant I had to pop out and buy a pack of plastic greatswords.

At least it gave me a break from painting Halberds. :-)

If you like what you see, then please tell your friends (or press the +1 button at the end of the post)

If you hate them, have ideas on how I could improve or try a different approach, leave a message below. It only takes a minute and I really appreciate it...

I was not looking forward to assembling and painting these, but I got a very pleasant surprise. They a great models, with enough to make them interesting to paint, without stupid loads of added on skulls or hourglasses for no reason.

The figure in the middle was one last remaining unpainted metal greatsword, that I painted up whilst completing the rest.

I have grown to love the overgrown feathers on the hats on these figures. Collectively, they look great (no pun intended).
And in my normal style, here come the views from the back...
 Hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Halberds in cream and blue: what's not to like?

After preparing up another selection of Artizan halberds late last week, I spent the weekend throwing paint at a whole load of the guys. To add a little interest I added in a few older figures that had spent some time in brake fluid stripping off old paint jobs.

If you like what you see, then please tell your friends (or press the +1 button at the end of the post)

If you hate them, have ideas on how I could improve or what to paint next, leave a message below. It only takes a minute and I really appreciate it...

Above we have two Artizan figures supporting an old citadel miniature. Once again Artizan are slightly taller, but not ruinously so.

Now this is a strange little threesome. We have Artizan to the left, old citdel and then the mid ninties "crewman with hook Halberd" from the war wagon! Pitty the picture is slightly blurred.
Four more make ten. Hope you enjoy these. I have around another 20 to paint then I will post group photos of the complete units.
 Now for the photos from behind..

Thursday, 9 February 2012

Converting Artizan figures to match GW.

 I have recently been busy assembling and converting an Artizan Landsknecht Regiment into Empire Halberds. So impressed have I been that I have ordered another regiment set. At only £22 this did not feel too much of a risk. Unfortunately I had stripped my bits box of every spare Halberd head I could find. A quick search of the web and I had found two viable sources. The first was Foundary, and their halberds have been added to the figures above.

These are not bad, but are sold in a combined pack with Polearms, so I have a well stocked collection of polearms in the bitz box now. I was a bit disappointed that my £3.50 purchase of metal cost me an additional £8 in P&P. If I had spent more time looking I would have added more figures to my purchase to make it worthwhile.

 Next up I visited The assault group for their collection of Halberds. Their weapons are fixed onto the chaps above. The weapons are slightly smaller, but don't look out of context. The main advantage to me was that although they were slightly more expensive at £3.60, they didn't charge me any P&P!

 Last up, I stripped and based a lone musician. This is an old citadel figure from the mid nineties. Not the greatest job in stripping paint but I was getting a bit bored.

If you ave any alternative weapons or figures, post below. Otherwise happy modelling and I will post soon with pictures on how they came out when I threw a little paint at them.

Monday, 6 February 2012

Norland Halberdiers (some ginger)

I have been working on some old style Citadel halberds and a bunch of Artizan Landsknecht who I am giving GW state troup halberds. I am starting to blitz through the figures now and have completed a second ten figures, which can sit along side last weeks effort.

If you like what you see, then please tell your friends (or press the +1 button at the end of the post)

If you hate them, have ideas on how I could improve or what to paint next, leave a message below. It only takes a minute and I really appreciate it...

I think I have got a bit over excited with the eyes, some are looking very sinister.

In an attempt to make them look a bit different I have had a go at ginger hair on a couple. Not convinced I got it quite right, but in the middle of a packed regiment they don't look too bad.

.... and here is my oldest figure in its third repaint. He comes from the mid eighties and looks a bit short when compared to the current ranges. Nether mind, I like him.

For added pretty, here are the same figures but from the back..