Sunday, 8 May 2011

Legionary 2011: Photos of the show and demo games

This Saturday saw gamers throughout the south west of England swoop down to Exeter for Legionary 2011; a combined show and tournament. Numbers through the door far exceeded expectations as hobbyists sought out the large number of traders and games that were available.

All considered it was a great day.

The traders included:

Angel Barracks
Baker Company
Black Scorpion
Dreamholme Scenics
Grubby Tanks
Heroes of the Dark Age
Ironclad Miniatures
Lesley’s Bits Box
KR Games 
KR Multicase
Plastic Soldier Company
Reid wargames
Space Vixens from Mars
The Square

Special thanks must go to Lesleys bits box who went "above and beyond" when helping out with prize support.

The bring and buy sale was bustling with activity, but I never saw if a massive space ship complete with working lights ever went. At £30 it looked a bargin, I just could not think how I would ever use it!

Demonstration games included the likes of...

Abbeywood Irregulars – 1938 – Very British Civil War
Cornwall Wargames Association – 479BC Plataea
Devon Wargames – Battle of Le Mesnil Patry
Escape Committee (Burnham on Sea) – Napoleonic Skirmish – Song of Drums and Shakos
Exeter Inquisition – Infinity (a high-tech 28mm SF skirmish game)
Exeter Inquisition – 40k Zombie Apocalypse Kill Team
Exmouth Imperials - Napoleonic Plastic Heresy
Gary Mitchell – Space Vixens from Mars
GCN Cornwall - Relics Tor gaming
Ironclad Miniatures demo game – Grubs!
Mos Isca – Flames of War – Push inland from Anzio
Nik Harwood – Blitzkrieg Commander in 10mm - USMC v Japanese
Nik Harwood – Cold War Commander in 3mm
Plymouth wargames - A very british civil war
North Cornwall Beasts and Bionics – Iron Kingdoms Press Ganger games
Portbury Knights – Spears’ Run – Band of Brothers refight
Ryga’s Roughnecks - The End is Nigh (Zombie survival game)
St Austell Wargames Club – Modern day pirates.
Trelawny’s Armies Gaming Society – Secrets of the Third Reich
Tus a’n Orlewen – Somewhere along the Mississippi

The demonstration boards were generally of a very high standard and I could not resist but take photos of a few. Hope you enjoy the pictures and if I can remember which is which I will add some captions.

See if you can spot a white drink cup in each shot!

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