Wednesday, 19 January 2011

WIP: warhammer - hordes hill fort scenery

The process of tidying up the clubs scenery continues. A couple of the guys went through the boxes and wrenched out some of the less used and untidy bits of scenery.

This included small foam hills which looked a little untidy and some pegasus hobbies castle turrets which were just not being used. To avoid throwing them away, I have decided to have a go at combining them into hill fort type things....

I have added chipboard under the hills to make them a little more robust. I have then put a circular hole into the hill to recess the turrets. To make them look more at home I have added walls by adding a bit of foamboard with cardboard cut bricks.

I have then tied it all together with a bit of builders caulk.


Next up will come a bit of sand, paint and flock.

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