Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Warriors of chaos 2000 points List 1

Sorcerer Lord; barded chaos steed, mark of tzeentch, extra level
Daemon weapon, collar of khorne
Sorcerer; barded chaos steed, mark of nurgle, extra level
Book of Secrets, power familiar, conjoined homunculus
Sorcerer; barded chaos steed, extra level
Infernal puppet
There is no subtlety to these guys, its magic all the way. the Lord is a very good spell caster and a holy terror in combat (4-9 attacks at S5-7) although he may hit himself. The nurgle sorcerer generates 4 dice and knows 3 spells so is almost as good at csting as the lord but the nurgle lore has some very good spells. The last scorcer is there for support and with the puppet to protect against miscasts.
6 Marauder horsemen, mark of slaanesh, light armour, throwing spears, musician
6 Marauder horsemen, mark of slaanesh, light armour, throwing spears, musician
6 Marauder horsemen, mark of slaanesh, light armour, throwing spears, musician
6 Chaos hounds
6 Chaos hounds
6 Chaos hounds
The core choices are there to give a flexible flanking force that can get the sorcerers around the table to where their spells can do the most damage. The horsemen are fagile as a porcelain puppy but easy to manoeuvre and they won't panic. The hounds are a missle screen (bless them).
5 Chaos knights, champion, musician
5 Chaos knights, champion, musician
4 Dragon ogres, great weapons
This army is both straight forward and nasty. The wizards can belt out a large range of nasty spells joining whichever units will either protect them better or get them to a suitable position. the special choices give the army some proper hitting power and the lord can join one to give a nasty surprise in combat.

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