Saturday, 11 August 2012

Skorne titan cannoneer

It has been a little while since my last post and I suppose that that should not go without comment. I had a holiday so was out of the habit of posting and then work got a bit busy. Any-hoo that was then, this is now.

I painted up a Skorne Titan cannoneer some time ago, but never posted up the images.

This chap follows the same painting scheme that I have adopted for all my Skorne Titans. The green and gold were selected because these two colours tend to compliment each over. The reddish skin provides a little contrast.

 I had a little play with NMM on the silver; mainly just to see what it would look like. Not an absolute success, but it will do.
 Love the fact that these guys have so many arms.

Sunday, 5 August 2012

Skorne paingiver task masters and a start on fatty

 On Wednesday I added my first Hordes figures for a while when I loaded up pictures of some paingiver beast handlers. I guess if I have paingiver handlers I should add some task masters as well...

 I have retained the same colour selection as I have used for all my Skorne. I guess I just quite like the grean, gold and cream contrast.

Now I have the pictures loaded, I can see I need to complete the second prod...

and at the end of the post,a start on old fatty himself. I have painted his agonizer bearers (bless them)..

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Skorne paingiver beast handlers

It is time to catch up on my small Skorne Hordes force.To date I have painted Agonizers, Gatormen, a Bronzeback and two Titan gladiators. What I need now is to paint up a unit to collale all this. Whatbetterthan a mini assortment of beast handlers....

For these guys I have maintained my green and cream colour scheme. I do like to stick with coloursif possible....

With so little of the face showing, I found it quite a challenge to give the models a point of focus. However, once complete I think that that these are some of the nicest models that PP produce for the Skorne range. They have enough to give interest, whilst maintaining  a clean look....
Hope you enjoy..

Now from the back....